Central Kirat Manghim (Central Kirat Temple)

Realizing that a large number of Kirat population reside in various cities and states in
America, respecting their aspiration of having a common place of worship and aiming
to achieve objectives of preserving and promoting their distinctly rich cultural heritage,
religion, language, script, traditions and indigenous arts and architectures, some crucial
rounds of talks and deliberations on the feasibility of constructing one central
worshiping place termed as ‘Manghim’ in America was organized during the 5

National Convention of the Kirat Community Organization of America (Hereinafter
referred to as KCOA) held in Salt Lake City, Utah in June, 2018. During the
deliberation, the Kirat Community Organization of Ohio (Hereinafter referred to as
KCOO) put forward a well-researched proposal document on the construction of
Central Manghim in Akron, OH. The convention participants and representatives from
all across the U.S. took part in the discussion and in a single voice they adopted a
resolution to construct a Central Manghim in Akron, OH.

Reaffirming the commitment expressed in Salt Lake City, another round of face-to-face
meetings of board members and advisors of the KCOA and KCOO, community
intellectuals, representatives of states and cities was held at the Kirat Community
Center in Akron, Ohio on 29th September 2018. A Large number of general Kirat
community members also participated in the meeting. After many hours of
brainstorming session, the meeting resolved to move ahead with the task of
constructing Central Manghim in Akron, OH and constituted various committees
required for the Manghim construction project namely, but not limited to, Manghim
Construction Planning Committee, Steering Committee and State Coordination
Ensuring to translate the resolutions adopted in Salt Lake City and Akron into action,
the Manghim Construction Planning Committee which was formed in Akron, OH on
29th September, 2018 drafted this Policy Guidelines for the Construction of Central
Manghim through their first meeting held in Nashville, Tennessee on 23rd November,